The basic regulations regarding educational law during the Second Polish Republic

Jerzy Nikołajew

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


The period of the Second Polish Republic was the time of creating a new education system after the partition period. The educational policy was coor-
dinated by the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Enlightenment and implemented by state authorities and local government bodies. After 1920,
school districts were introduced and in 1932 a thorough educational reform
was carried out. The establishment of an educational self-government, tasks related to the construction and financing of schools, as well as those related
to higher education, lower secondary education, teacher training seminars and pre-school and extra-school education – these are the basic issues of statutory regulations regarding education in Poland in the years 1918–1939. Despite the difficulties, it was possible to modify the school system, and introduce an educational reform and strong teacher self-government. The aim of the article is to indicate the difficulties in creating a uniform system of educational law in Poland in the period after regaining independence


education law, interwar period in Poland, educational reforms

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Cited by

Nikołajew, J. (2024). The basic regulations regarding educational law during the Second Polish Republic. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Jerzy Nikołajew 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski