Decomposition of municipal planning authority – from the protection of public interest to centralization
In the spatial planning system in Poland, the municipality plays a particularly important role. It is endowed with the authority to decisively determine the use and development principles of lands located within its territory. However, the municipality’s planning authority is subject to numerous constraints arising from the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the Act on Spatial Planning and Development, and other statutes. These constraints serve to balance public and private interests, as well as to implement the state’s spatial policy. The purpose of this article is to present the process of limiting the municipality’s planning authority, leading to increasing centralization of spatial planning. An indication of this limitation is the expansion of the municipality’s obligations to cooperate with other public administration bodies in the preparation of planning documents, as well as the development of detailed regulations imposing prohibitions and restrictions on the use of real estate. Special attention will also be given to so-called special statutes, which introduce simplified and accelerated planning procedures that operate outside the conventional spatial planning system. The process of limiting the municipality’s planning authority in favor of other governmental administrative bodies demonstrates that, despite the principle of subsidiarity and decentralization of public power declared in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the ordinary legislator is effectively centralizing spatial planning.
spatial planning, planning authority, zoning, centralizationReferences
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