Planning rent as an instrument of spatial management

Małgorzata Pracka

Uniwersytet Radomski im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Radomiu


The planning activity of a municipality brings about various effects. One of the consequences of adopting a local development plan is the increase in
property values, which undoubtedly contributes to creating a favourable legal situation for property owners. Recognizing this impact, the legislature intro-
duced the instrument of planning rent, aimed at allowing the municipality to
participate in the benefits that property owners gain due to the adoption of the local development plan by the municipality. The possibility of imposing the
fee is tied to substantive legal conditions, upon the fulfilment of which the obligation to collect the fee arises. The public law aspect of planning rent, its
statutory assumptions, and its conflict-prone nature make defining the statutory framework for determining planning rent necessary. This requires an analysis in which the determinants of its imposition by the municipality, which must act within the bounds and based on existing law, are interpreted. The purpose of this article is to present formal legal assumptions of imposition by
the municipality of planning rent as one of the instruments of space management affecting the scope of rights of the property owner. The interpretational problems that arise in the application of this administrative law instrument necessitate an in-depth analysis to minimize the risk of decisions made in this regard being challenged.


planning rent, property law, property value

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Cited by

Pracka, M. (2024). Planning rent as an instrument of spatial management. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Małgorzata Pracka 
Uniwersytet Radomski im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Radomiu