Issues in adjudicating administrative fines for failure to notify of vehicle disposal following the amendment of the Road Traffic Law
Celina Siermińska-Warczak
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
As of January 1, 2024, new rules governing administrative liability apply for the failure of the owner of a vehicle registered in the territory of the Republic of Poland to notify the relevant district governor of the disposal of the vehicle within a period not exceeding 30 days. Due to the ambiguity of transitional provisions, justified doubts may arise within public administration authorities regarding which law to apply to entities that committed the violation before the amended Road Traffic Law came into force. This study aims to analyze the applicable transitional provisions, taking into account the general regulations contained in the Code of Administrative Procedure. Based on this analysis, the conclusion is drawn that, in the event of the initiation of proceedings under the amended Road Traffic Law regarding the imposition of an administrative fine on an entity that failed to fulfill the obligation to notify the relevant district governor within 30 days of the vehicle disposal, when the failure occurred before January 1, 2024, the new regulations should generally be applied. However, authorities are obliged to consider the principle set forth in Article 189c of the Code of Administrative Procedure, which mandates the application of the previously applicable law if it is more favorable to the offender. The primary research method used by the author was the dogmatic-legal method.
administrative law, administrative fine, administrative liability, vehicle disposal, intertemporal regulationsReferences
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