Ubój rytualny w świetle prawa europejskiego i polskiego
Summing up the considerations, it should be stated that nowadays the problems of religious slaughter form a platform on which important values protected by international, European and the Polish legal order clash. These include ensuring the welfare of animals and allowing the slaughter and killing only in a humane manner, the protection of religious freedom by enabling participation in traditional rites and consumption of particular types of meat and the protection of economic values by ensuring the use of economic freedom by food producers. The assessment of religious slaughter therefore depends on the adopted system of values. At the same time, it should be noted that today’s slaughter is carried out with respect for animal welfare and
is only allowed if the conditions laid down in European law and – harmonized with it – national law are met. Due to globalist tendencies and the settlement of Islam and Judaism in Europe, it is rather difficult to imagine a universal and uniform ban on slaughter in all EU countries. For this reason, the EU leaves the regulation of this issue to the national legislation ofindividual Member States. As a consequence it varies from a total ban in several countries (including Sweden and Norway) to more or less broad exceptions in others (including Poland, Lithuania and Spain). It is worth noting that even in countries that prohibit completely traditional slaughtering practices, this kind of meat is imported from other EU countries as well as from outside the EU.
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