Judicial control of the decision to prohibit assembly in the light of article 184 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland


The article analyzes the appeal procedure against decisions to ban assemblies, in the context of the patterns set out by the Polish Constitution. We are talking here first of all about the principle of the separation of powers and balance of authorities and the principle of exercising administrative control over the activities of public administration. The reason for conducting the above analysis was the peculiar nature of appeal proceedings regulated in the Act - on the assemblies, which significantly differs from the standards adopted in the codes. This is particularly important concerning the provisions governing the examination of appeals against decisions to ban assemblies. The adopted model assumes recognition of appeals of administrative decisions by common courts, with complete omission of control exercised by administrative courts.The purpose of the article is to provide an unequivocal answer to the question indicated above about the compliance of existing provisions with the Basic Law. Because of the provisions of Art. 184 of the Polish Constitution are related to art. 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland by the principle of the separation of powers, the analysis has been supplemented with issues related to the procedural and legal relationship that arises at the time when the appeal against the decision is heard by a common court. Besides, the role played in the above-mentioned situation is played by a common court ruling, in the context of the role of an administrative court ruling. On this basis, it was determined whether the solutions adopted were compatible with the principle of separation of authorities and whether they did not infringe Article 184 of the Polish Constitution.

The conclusion to the article indicates that the adopted solutions violate the aforementioned provisions of the Basic Law. The discussed model of the procedure, which assumes the "replacement" of an administrative decision by a court decision, fundamentally violates the principle of the division and balance of authorities. It was emphasized that from the abovementioned For this reason, the role of a common court ruling is fundamentally different from that of an administrative court ruling. As a result, common courts take over competences intended for public administration bodies, thus entering into the competences reserved for executive entities. It was also pointed out that such a situation does not occur during the control exercised by administrative courts, which does not affect the final assessment of the proceedings in question. In the final part, a lack of justification for the behaviour violating the Basic Law of the appeal system was signalled, referring to the changes that were made in connection with the computerization of proceedings before administrative courts, which enabled them to very efficiently control the activities of pub administration


Constitution, court, assembly law, appeal, freedom of assembly

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Cited by

Mrożek, J. (2020). Judicial control of the decision to prohibit assembly in the light of article 184 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (50). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.6052