Criminalistic support of the activities of the inquiry body

Barys Asayonak

Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Uladzimir Cheshka

Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus


The doctrine of the criminalistic support of the investigation has now significantly outgrown its original content and includes many areas. However, there is still insufficient attention paid to the criminalistic support of the inquiry. This article aims to initiate the elimination of this trend and draw scientific attention to the scientific definition of the criminalistic support of the body of inquiry and approaches to the study of its content. The study of the issues under consideration was carried out from the standpoint of the subject-activity approach, as a result of which the features, elements of the criminalistic support of the activity of the inquiry body were revealed and its concept was given.


inquiry, criminalistic support, subjective approach, activity approach

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Cited by

Asayonak, B., & Cheshka, U. (2021). Criminalistic support of the activities of the inquiry body. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (51).

Barys Asayonak 
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus
Uladzimir Cheshka 
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus