Annexe to the protocol in civil proceedings – a dead institution or an effective tool in the hands of legal representatives?

Hanna Frąckowiak

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


Practice shows that nowadays in civil proceedings, annexes to the protocol
are submitted more and more often, and in more serious, complicated and
multi-threaded lawsuits they may not be the rule, but they are certainly widely
used. Due to the amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure, including the
introduction of an electronic protocol and the conclusions of the submission of
preparatory letters, there are more and more questions and doubts related to
the annexe to the protocol, therefore this institution deserves attention to
consider, at least briefly, the doubts that may arise in connection with its application
The analysis of the provisions, judicature and views of the doctrine leads
to the statement that despite the legislator’s lack of interest in the provision
of rt. 161 of the Code of Civil Procedure concerning the annexe to the protocol, the amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure were not indifferent to this
institution. The author tries to show that the electronic form of the annexe has
also become formally admissible, that, contrary to the views of the majority of
science representatives, the chairman of the adjudicating panel does not have
the right to return the annexe to the party and that the deadline for its submission should be different than what is indicated in Art. 161 of the Code of
Civil Procedure, which will make the annexe an even more effective procedural tool.

The analysis of the provisions, judicature and views of the doctrine leads to the statement that despite the legislator's lack of interest in the provision of rt. 161 of the Code of Civil Procedure concerning the annex to the protocol, the amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure were not indifferent to this institution. The author tries to show that the electronic form of the annex has also become formally admissible, that, contrary to the views of the majority of science representatives, the chairman of the adjudicating panel does not have the right to return the annex to the party and that the deadline for its submission should be different than what is literally indicated in Art. 161 of the Code of Civil Procedure, which will make the annex an even more effective procedural tool.


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Cited by

Frąckowiak, H. (2021). Annexe to the protocol in civil proceedings – a dead institution or an effective tool in the hands of legal representatives?. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (53).

Hanna Frąckowiak 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie