The omission by the court of the second instance of new facts and evidence brought by an incidental intervener joining the case during the appeal proceedings

Jarosław Adam Szczechowicz

Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski


The procedural situation of an incidental intervener is determined by the
state of the case at the time of notification of the intervention. In particular,
the intervener’s accession does not nullify the proceedings conducted so far
and the activities performed therein, the intervener may also not require the
repetition of these activities, even if he considers them to be defective, but is
obliged to accept the proceedings in the form in which they are at the time of
accession. to the page. The status of the case as it is defined in Art. 79, the
first sentence of the Code of Civil Procedure must be understood broadly, and
the interpretation of this concept should be carried out taking into account the
fact that an incidental intervener to which Art. 81 of the Code of Civil Procedure, does not seek the protection of its subjective rights, but is a third party
whose role is limited to supporting the party in seeking to obtain a judgment
favourable to it. The assessment of whether a procedural act is admissible in
the specific state of the case cannot, therefore, disregard the procedural situation of the party to which the intervener joined. The point is therefore not
only that the procedural step is objectively admissible at a particular stage of
the proceedings, but also that it is admissible for the party whom the intervener joined, taking into account the course of the proceedings to date. Thus, an
incidental intervener may only use such powers that remain at the disposal
of the party at the time the intervener acts. Therefore, if a side has lost the
right to act as a result of the expiry of the time limit or due to the end of the
stage of the proceedings, such right is also lost by an incidental intervener.
The fact that the incidental intervener joined the side only at the stage of the
appeal proceedings, and thus could not have previously invoked a fact or evidence, does not, therefore, exclude the omission of this fact or evidence pursuant to Art. 381 of the Code of Civil Procedure, if this material would be late
and would have to be omitted if it was appointed by the party itself


incidental intervener, evidence exclusion, appeal, cassation appeal

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2021-09-29 — Updated on 2021-09-30

Cited by

Szczechowicz, J. A. (2021). The omission by the court of the second instance of new facts and evidence brought by an incidental intervener joining the case during the appeal proceedings. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (53). (Original work published September 29, 2021)

Jarosław Adam Szczechowicz 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski