Krystyna Ziółkowska, Place of the employee’s duty to care for the well-being of the workplace among the basic employee duties, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2021, pp. 267 (review)

Aneta Giedrewicz-Niewińska


The subject of the review is the monograph by K. Ziółkowska „Place of the
employee’s duty to care for the well-being of the workplace among the basic
employee duties”, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2021. The employee’s duty to look after the welfare of the workplace was
already indicated in the Labour Code of 1974. From the beginning, this obligation was defined in a general way, and its content was read not only through
the changing legal regulations, but also socio-economic changes. The monograph
presents a contemporary interpretation of the obligation to care for the well-
-being of the workplace. The detailed obligations include, among others, the
obligation to submit to the employer’s actions consisting in the control of e-mail and Internet use. Whistleblowing was also discussed as a manifestation of
the obligation to care for the welfare of the workplace, as well as the employee’s
right to criticize the employer. In addition, an analysis of the relationship
between the obligation to care for the welfare of the workplace and other basic
duties indicated in the labour code was carried out. The choice of the subject
of the monograph, the way of formulating the goals of the considerations and
the author’s arguments deserve approval. Therefore, the author’s considerations
constitute an important source of knowledge and inspiration for further scientific research in the doctrine of labour law. The above justifies the preparation
of a positive review of the monograph.



Cited by

Giedrewicz-Niewińska, A. (2021). Krystyna Ziółkowska, Place of the employee’s duty to care for the well-being of the workplace among the basic employee duties, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2021, pp. 267 (review). Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (53).

Aneta Giedrewicz-Niewińska