Participation of citizens in the administration of justice as one of the guarantees of the functioning of the civil society in the Polish constitutional law
Maciej Pisz
Zakład Praw Człowieka, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu WarszawskiegoAbstract
This article is aimed at presenting the issue of citizens' participation in the administration of justice in the context of ensuring the functioning of the broadly understood civil society. Considerations are carried out in relation to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997 and aim to present the issue of citizens' participation in the administration of justice – provided by the Polish constitutional legislator expressis verbis under the Polish fundamental law – as one of numerous guarantees for the functioning of the civil society in the Polish constitutional law. As part of the deliberations, I attempt inter alia to answer the research question whether the approach to the issue of citizens' participation in the administration of justice, approved by the constitutional legislator under the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, can be considered a sufficient guarantee for the effective functioning of the civil society in the Polish constitutional law.
citizens, social factor, civil society, lay judges, administration of justiceReferences
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