The problem of centralization of the tasks in the public administration using selected examples

Dorota Wilkowska-Kołakowska

Politechnika Warszawska


Local government, based on the principles of subsidiarity, independence, and decentralization, carries out public tasks guaranteed by law, the aim of which is primarily to meet the needs of local communities, but also to carry
out tasks of government administration. In recent years, however, one can observe centralization tendencies around the performance of own and commissioned tasks by local government units. These consist in taking over certain
tasks, previously performed by local government, and by state bodies and organizations. The aim of the article is to analyze the changes in the statutory regulations indicating the aforementioned centralization tendencies regarding the tasks
previously performed by the local self-government and to determine their influence, on the one hand, on the efficiency in satisfying the needs of the local self-government communities, but also on the proper realization of the goals
of the legal regulations concerning such important problems as the issues of environmental protection, water management, modernization of agriculture, or the real estate information system. Based on the analysis of four laws conducted in the article, the Author established that because of their amendments in 2016–2020, the competencies
of starosts and marshals of voivodeships were deprived or significantly reduced by transferring them to the government administration or organizational units created by this administration. These changes have significantly limited
the independence in performing tasks by local government, especially at the level of voivodeship and private government, while not ensuring the proper implementation of the objectives of the legal regulations discussed in the ar-


administrative law, state administration, self-government, centralization, decentra- lization, public tasks

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Cited by

Wilkowska-Kołakowska, D. (2022). The problem of centralization of the tasks in the public administration using selected examples. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (58).

Dorota Wilkowska-Kołakowska 
Politechnika Warszawska