Problems of enforcing performance of nonfinancial administrative obligations

Przemysław Kledzik

Uniwersytet Szczeciński


 One of the basic rules of enforcement proceedings in administration is the
principle of the legal obligation to carry out enforcement. The essence of this
rule lies down in the public creditor’s obligation to take steps to apply enforcement measures if the obliged person evades the performance of the obligation
that rests with them and that is subject to administrative enforcement. The
consequence of the creditor’s actions may include a subsequent obligation of
the enforcement authority to take steps that involve, as prescribed by the law,
the application of enforcement measures to ensure that the obliged party performs their administrative obligation. However, the nature of administrative
obligations is differentiated. The legislator identifies two basic categories, that
is financial and non-financial obligations. Their character also determines the
different ways these obligations are enforced. The procedure to ensure them
were regulated in the same act and as a rule, apart from implementing actions,
is based on uniform rules. Additionally, this procedure has been modified
significantly in the last three years. Given the above, the objective of this study
is an analysis of the law in force with elements of an analysis of the law in
a historical perspective and also a formulation of conclusions on the problems
of enforcing performance of non-financial administrative obligations in the
context of validity of a common regulation for enforcement of financial and
non-financial obligations in administration, also taking into account recent


enforcement proceedings in administration, administrative enforcement, non-financial obligations, enforcement of non-financial obligations

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Cited by

Kledzik, P. (2022). Problems of enforcing performance of nonfinancial administrative obligations. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (57).

Przemysław Kledzik 
Uniwersytet Szczeciński