Consensual termination of criminal proceedings concerning juvenile offenders

Justyna Głębocka

Uniwersytet Warszawski


 The Polish system of procedural criminal law provides for a twofold regime of liability in the event of a punishable act committed by a juvenile offender. First of all, educational and correctional proceedings are carried out against
such a juvenile before the family court. Act on the Support and Rehabilitation of Juveniles, however, provides for the possibility of conducting criminal proceedings against juveniles on general principles. The aim of this article is an
attempt to answer the question of whether one of the consensual procedures is possible concerning a juvenile offender in which case the criminal proceeding before the criminal court is conducted. The provisions of the Act on the
Support and Rehabilitation of Juveniles and the relevant provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure were subject to dogmatic analysis. Differences like the legal grounds for the handing over of a juvenile to the criminal regime
were indicated, issues related to the ability to undertake procedural actions were discussed, and problems related to the psychophysical development of juveniles in the context of the right to make declarations of the will be indicated, and finally, arguments were presented in favour of the possibility of negotiating with juveniles and the admissibility, in some cases, of termination
the criminal proceedings against a juvenile with the plea agreement. 


juvenile justice system, juvenile, juvenile offenders, criminal liability of juvenile, con- sensual proposals, consensual termination of criminal proceedings

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Cited by

Głębocka, J. (2022). Consensual termination of criminal proceedings concerning juvenile offenders. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (58).

Justyna Głębocka 
Uniwersytet Warszawski