Countering deforestation and illegal timber trade in the light of the achievements of green criminology

Wiesław Pływaczewski

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

Joanna Narodowska

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

Maciej Duda

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The problem of illegal logging (deforestation) and illegal timber trade is one of the subjects of interest in green criminology. The phenomenon in question is presented from a global (international), regional (European) and local
(Polish) perspective. The aim of the authors is to indicate the ethiology of this phenomenon, to characterize its symptomatic forms and to propose possibilities for counteracting discussed pathology. The authors’ considerations are presented within the context of the previous achievements of representatives of green criminology. The study opens with a presentation of the historical background of the phenomenon of deforestation. The authors subsequently analyse contemporary examples of mass deforestation and illegal timber trade. Fur-
thermore, an assessment of the phenomenon in question considering the achievements of green criminology and green victimology is presented. A practical aspect of the study is the evaluation of the various tools for counteracting


Przeciwdziałanie deforestacji oraz nielegalnemu handlowi drewnem...345
deforestation and illegal timber trade. To conclude, the etiological factors shap-
ing the analysed phenomenon are mainly: predatory logging for monoculture
plantations, charcoal production, extensive cattle breeding, extraction of min-
eral resources, construction of transport infrastructure, extraction of construc-
tion material, financing of armed conflicts, breeding of plants needed for drug
production, extraction of CITES species. As far as the phenomenology of the
phenomenon is concerned, the areas most threatened by deforestation are the
Amazon Forest, the forests of the Congo River basin and the Mekong Delta,
the taiga of Siberia and the primary forests of Indonesia and Malaysia. Coun-
tering the phenomenon should instead consist of a conglomeration of legal,
institutional, and social solutions.


zielona kryminologia, deforestacja, nielegalny handel drewnem

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Cited by

Pływaczewski, W., Narodowska, J. ., & Duda, M. (2023). Countering deforestation and illegal timber trade in the light of the achievements of green criminology. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (60).

Wiesław Pływaczewski 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Joanna Narodowska 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Maciej Duda 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie