The constitutional position of the President of the Republic of Poland and the President of the Portuguese Republic under the 1935 and 1933 constitutions – historical and comparative study
The purpose of this article is to examine the constitutional position of the President of the Republic of Poland under the April Constitution of 1935 and the President of the Republic of Portugal under the Constitution of 1933, based on a comparative legal and historical analysis, primarily considering the scope and nature of their powers in connection with prerogatives, as well as the
manner of election of both heads of state. The author focuses primarily on powers of an internal nature, leaving aside those related to the field of international relations and state defence and security. The purpose of the article is also to correctly classify the political systems in place in Poland and Portugal at the time. This is because the constitutional positions of the constitutio-
nal organs of the state should be correlated with the political systems existing in these countries. However, this statement turns out to be apparent, especially considering the political context of evolution and the actual position of the
two heads of state, where the systemic element is strongly intertwined with elements of actual decisionism.
president, constitution, prerogative, competency, powerReferences
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