Legal determinants of participation of commune residents in public consultations in the process of planning and spatial development

Ewa Koniuszewska

Uniwersytet Szczeciński


The possibility of engagement of residents of a basic local government unit in the process of spatial planning and development has a well-grounded normative basis. Commune authorities bear the statutory obligation to ensure conditions that allow members of self-governing communities to take part in developing planning acts. The complexity of the subject matter and the multiple stages of the planning procedure meant that the legislator decided to adopt various forms of public participation. One of them, expressly exposed against others, is public consultation. By the establishment of detailed legal measures that model this institution in the process of making spatial planning acts the legislator concretized possible forms of consultations and specified procedures for holding them. This study aims to analyse legal measures that establish
the obligation to hold public consultation in the spatial planning process. This analysis is carried out against general rules and procedures of using this form of social participation in a commune. It is taken as a basis to attempt to evaluate the introduced regulations from the point of view their impact on intensification of involvement of members of self-governing communities in the
planning procedure and the real impact on the content of the resulting act. The implementation of this aim requires an analysis of the law in force. 


public consultation, public participation, planning and spatial development

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Cited by

Koniuszewska, E. (2024). Legal determinants of participation of commune residents in public consultations in the process of planning and spatial development. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (64).

Ewa Koniuszewska 
Uniwersytet Szczeciński