Andrzej Pilipowicz

Instytut Neofilologii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


Hans Erich Nossack had written his poems for several years. He treated them as a study of dramatic forms that he soon abandoned as well in order to present his own contact with the reality in the prose at last. The poem Vorspruch und Frage [The prologue and the question] opening his only anthology Gedichte [Poems] establishes an index of the essential elements of this German writer's poetics. Just here, the connecting of the national socialism's context with many poems proofs a pertinent step because the meaning strata of separate expressions are unveiled deepest in that case only. The death that is anticipated by the feeling of timelessness and by the appaling silence (Gefangenenwärter [The jail-keeper]) becomes a rock for sensibility and autonomy of the individual. The meeting with the death, provoked by the inversion of the sequence of result and cause, appears as the last chance to be delivered from the space overwhelmed with the totalitarism (An den Tod [To the death]). That ist what makes the similarity to Matthias Claudius's poem with the same title who notes the final possibility to set the world free from the evil in the death. The death also intensifies the feelings derived from the life and can even draw some fife from the places suspected of its default (Der Tod [The death]) - the ability that arises in consequence of the shrinking of the reality after the losing of a near person in Rainer Maria Rilke's poem (Todes-Erfahrung [The experience of the death]). An attempt to stop the death contains the poem Ein Mädchen spricht mit dem Tod [A gril talks to the death] that the historical background venishes in and where the love calls up to fight for the life: The girl struck with that feeling is confronted with the power of the death that the heroine of the poem tenderly admonishes not to run in front of the life yet but to come back to its place and to locate itself behind the life.


Hans Erich Nossack dramatic forms German writer's poems

Hans Erich Nossack, Dieser Andere, Frankfurt am Main 1976.

Joseph Kraus, Hans Erich Nossack, München 1981.

Peter Próchnik, Die Gedichte Hans Erich Nossacks. In: Christof Schmid (Hrsg.), Über Hans Erich Nossack, Frankfurt am Main 1970, S. 67.

Christof Schmid, Nachwort. In: Hans Erich Nossack, Um es kurz zu machen, Frankfurt am Main 1975, S. 113.

Hermann Kassack, Rede auf den Preisträger. In: „Jahrbuch der Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung”, Darmstadt 1961, S. 83.

Hans-Gerd Winter, Bürokratisches Großunternehmen oder Ausgangspunkt einer Reise zum Ursprung. Hans Erich Nossacks Auseinandersetzung mit dem Tod in „Interview mit dem Tode” und „Nekyia”. In: Günter Damann (Hrsg.), Hans Erich

Nossack. Leben, Werk, Kontext, Würzburg 2000, S.115—134.

Hans Erich Nossack, Gedichte, Hamburg 1947.

Karl G. Esselborn, Gesellschaftskritische Literatur nach 1945: Politische Resignation und konservative Kulturkritik, besonders am Beispiel Hans Erich Nossacks, München 1977, S. 171f.

Heinz W. Puppe, H. E. Nossack und der Nihilismus. In: „The German Quarterly” (1964), H. 1, S. 5.

Hans Geulen, Hans Erich Nossack. In: Dietrich Weber (Hrsg.), Deutsche Literatur seit 1945 in Einzeldarstellungen, Stuttgart 1970, S. 225.

Matthias Claudius: An den Tod. An meinem Geburtstage. In: Walter Münz (Hrsg.), Matthias Claudius, Ausgewählte Werke, Stuttgart 1990, S. 336.

Ingeborg M. Goessl, Der handlungslose Raum bei Hans Erich Nossack, In: „Monatshefte” 1974, Nr 1, S. 35.

Hans Erich Nossack, Die Tagebücher 1944-1977. Bd. 2, Frankfurt am Main 1997, S. 1028f.

Rainer Maria Rilke, TodesErfahrung. In: Rainer Maria Rilke, Gesammelte Gedichte, Frankfurt am Main 1962, S. 274f.

Golo Mann, Zu Gedichten von Hans Erich Nossack. In: Golo Mann, Wir alle sind, was wir gelesen. Aufsätze und Reden zur Literatur, Frankfurt am Main 1989, S. 308.

Hans Erich Nossack, Spätestens im November. Roman, München 1963.



Pilipowicz, A. (2005). DER TOD IN DEN GEDICHTEN VON HANS ERICH NOSSACK. Acta Neophilologica, (VII), 51–62. Abgerufen von

Andrzej Pilipowicz 
Instytut Neofilologii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie