Indigenous spirituality and its manifestations in the life of Andean families
Ryszard Hajduk
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)Carlos Alberto Leaño Velasquez
Pontifical University Comilas (Spain)Abstract
In times characterized by pluralization and individualization in the religious sphere, interest in pre-Columbian customs is emerging in South America. Latin American theologians recognize the value of the spirituality of the Andean peoples, which refers to pre-Christian beliefs and traditions. This article presents the characteristic features of the spirituality of the Andes inhabitants and its manifestations in family life. This is achieved by analyzing the content of the scientific researches of South American religious studies scholars and theologians. Their observations help in searching for answers to the question of whether traditional Andean beliefs are consistent with the Christian faith.
South America, Andes, pre-Columbian beliefs, Latin American theologyReferences
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)
Pontifical University Comilas (Spain)
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