Julitta Koćwin
Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Polska)Abstract
The article discusses the philosophy of Taoism in terms of its impact on ethics and the basics of doing business, as well as on economic development, using two economies as examples: Hong Kong and Taiwan. The article tried to find an answer to the question: what is the role of Taoist values in business and what impact do they have on the development of the enterprise and the economy? For this purpose, the basic ideas of Taoism, which include the principles of “Tao”, “Te” and “Wu-wei”, and its core values are explained. The statement on how Taoism influences business was made by analyzing to what extent the principles of the Taoist doctrine of “Tao” are reflected in the business activities of modern organizations, and how the management of “Wu-wei” affects the success of the enterprise. The main conclusion from the research is that Taoism is a philosophy that inspires people to work hard, shapes specific attitudes of a person who is tolerant, hard-working and enterprising, putting the good of the community above the profits of the individual, which is one of the key factors for achieving success in business.
Taoism, Daoism, Huang-Lao school, Tao, LaoziReferences
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