Kult świętych jako potwierdzenie jednoznacznego monoteizmu

Jacek Salij, O. Profesor

Wydział Teologiczny, UKSW w Warszawie


The worship of saints was contrary to the polytheistic worships already in existence for the Church Fathers (cf. Passio by St. Polycarpi, and especially for St. Augustine). The content of the article is to present the biblical inveteracy of five aspects of the worship of saints in Catholicism today:
1. By worshiping the saints, we are giving thanks to God for His faithful bestowing of His own Church in previous generations.
2. Our thanksgiving is penetrated by an entreaty, that God would also give us the same gift as he once bestowed upon our fathers and mothers in the faith.
3. In the worship of saints we express our faith that saints pray for us, at the same time we ask them to intercede for us.
4. The expression of the worship of saints is also the worship of their relics,
5. and their imitation. In short: By imitating the saints, we learn how we can and should imitate Christ.


monoteizm, politeizm, wstawiennictwo świętych, kult relikwii, św. Augustyn

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Cited by

Salij, J. (2018). Kult świętych jako potwierdzenie jednoznacznego monoteizmu. Forum Teologiczne, 18, 7–16. https://doi.org/10.31648/ft.1652

Jacek Salij, O. Profesor 
Wydział Teologiczny, UKSW w Warszawie