Bartosz Lisiecki

Uniwersytet Opolski


The family – in the past and today – remains the basic nuclear family. Since the topic is
very extensive, only three aspects of the family life are covered: marriage, the birth of a child and
the death of a family member. In these moments, an important part was the beliefs of the ancient
Greeks. On the wedding day, all the rituals were carefully fulfilled. For good fortune, sacrifices were
made to the gods, and on the day of the wedding at night, they wandered with torches for the joy of
Hestia and to drive off the nightly spirits. When the child was born, the mother had to perform a ritual
purification. But accepting a newborn child depended on the father. If he accepted the child, he
walked around the hearth, the domain of Hestia. Death is an inseparable moment in every family.
What were the family’s duties for the gods and deceased ancestors? They tried to provide the grave
with all the important things, so that the soul would safely go to Hades. The family provided a honey
cake for Cerber’s dog and an obolon for Charon. In a Greek family, religion was important and was
an inseparable element in ancient Greece.


family, ancient Greece, religion, gods, marriage, birth, death, funeral, beliefs

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Cited by

Lisiecki, B. (2018). MARRIAGE, BIRTH AND DEATH IN THE BELIEFS AND RELIGIOUS CUSTOMS OF ANCIENT GREEKS. Forum Teologiczne, 19, 177–189. Retrieved from

Bartosz Lisiecki 
Uniwersytet Opolski