How is the relationship to be explained between the business and the family, in the case of a family business? Is it a matter of subordinating one to the other or is it rather a relationship of complementarity? This reflection starts from the teaching on work in the Encyclical Laborem Exercens. Since the family business is an expression and a form of human work, it is necessary to consider it in the light of the personal dimension of human labour, which gives rise to the threefold moral value of work. The human being must work on account of being human, for the sake of the family and for the good of society. The theological analysis of the relationship between the anthropological dimension of work and the moral duty with reference to the family permits one to conclude that, since the family business is based on commitment to its personal dimension, centred, not on “things”, but on the human being, the realities of the business and of the family, not only are not mutually opposed, but do, in some manner, call out to one another and become, as it were, intrinsically connected.
Laborem Exercens, business, family, work, ethics of social lifeReferences
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