“Everything is related.” Ecology and family

Martín Carbajo Núñez OFM


This paper presents interaction and communication as essential aspects of all that exists. Everything has been created for the affectionate and fraternal encounter in the common home. The first part asserts that the ecological crisis is a family crisis, because the parental family is the “fundamental structure” and principal agent of an integral ecology (AL 277). We need to protect the boundaries of this welcoming environment, where the human being develops his fundamental rela-tionships and prepares himself “to live in communion with God, with others, and with all creatures.” (LS 240) The second part presents some theological and anthropological bases for a more relational paradigm. That implies a generous ecological commitment which is only possible when we cultivate family relationships and “sound virtues.” (LS 211).


Family, ecology, human ecology, integral ecology, Laudato si’, family, ecology, human ecology, integral ecology, Laudato si'

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Cited by

Carbajo Núñez OFM, M. (2020). “Everything is related.” Ecology and family. Forum Teologiczne, (21), 7–20. https://doi.org/10.31648/ft.6074

Martín Carbajo Núñez OFM