Theology of the family in the final documents of the General Latin American Episcopal Conferences

Ryszard Hajduk

Faculty of Theology University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)


The final documents from the General Conferences of the Latin American Bishops (CELAM) held in Medellín (1968), Pueblo (1979), Santo Domingo (1992) and in Aparecida (2007) present the fruits of reflecting on the situation of the family in South America, Central America and the Caribbean, as well as its role in the Church and its importance in shaping social life. Consequently, one can speak of a Latin American theology of the family, which draws its impetus from the teaching of the universal Church, and at the same time has specific features. It is distinguished by the emphasis placed on the subjectivity of families in the saving mission of the Church and treating them as a “theological key”, opening the way to getting to know God's mysteries. It is a practice-oriented theology that gives concrete guidelines to families and their pastors. The character of Latin American theology of the family is influenced by the pastoral context and theological trends, born in South and Central America (liberation theology, indigenous theology and theology of the people). Latin American theology of the family is therefore not a repetition of the contents of the Magisterium of the universal Church, but their original interpretation, taking into account the social situation and the needs of people living in it.


pastorał care, education, Church, society, evangelization, domestic church

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Cited by

Hajduk , R. (2021). Theology of the family in the final documents of the General Latin American Episcopal Conferences. Forum Teologiczne, 22, 81–94.

Ryszard Hajduk  
Faculty of Theology University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)