Precedents concerning judicial review of the decision issued under art. 6 of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora and post-Brexit operation of “Natura 2000” Network as a form of nature conservation

Ewa Katarzyna Czech

Faculty of Law University of Białystok

Hubert Sitnik

King’s College London


 Brexit changed the operation of legal forms of nature conservation including Natura 2000. The legal environment created by the application of the EU law and domestic caselaw concerned with the judicial review of decisions issued under article 6 of the Habitats Directive necessarily warrants the analysis of the latter both in terms of the general role of the doctrine of judicial precedent in the British legal system and specifically in the judicial review under the Habitats directive. Analysis of this area of law allow achieving the goal of identification of contentious issues originating from the caselaw. Furthermore, it will lead to conclusions concerning the operation of “Natura 2000” after Brexit i.e., an attempt to identify potential changes in its operation. What justifies such an analysis is the fact that British administrative law lacks a precise definition of the standard to be applied for judicial review which allows public authorities for such a discretion which should not be allowed under the EU law. Therefore,  though the relevant provisions only slightly change Brexit may negatively impact the standard of environmental protection
in the UK. 


Brexit, Natura 2000 Network, forms of environmental conservation, judicial precedent, precautionary principle

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Cited by

Czech, E. K., & Sitnik, H. (2021). Precedents concerning judicial review of the decision issued under art. 6 of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora and post-Brexit operation of “Natura 2000” Network as a form of nature conservation. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (52).

Ewa Katarzyna Czech 
Faculty of Law University of Białystok
Hubert Sitnik 
King’s College London