Grzegorz Ojcewicz

Instytut Neofilologii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The article features Yaroslav Mogutin’s (1974) conception of fascist sexuality, in which fascist attributes are very important, particularly swastika and S&M homosexual experience. Mogutin says that if there was no fascism in history, followers of S&M would invent it in their „politically incorrect” fantasies. The post-war fascist culture continues to shock decent citizens in modern times producing in their frightened bourgeois consciousness the apocalyptic visions of the end of the world. Mogutin accentuates the special place and considerable implications of the fascist theme for works of authors recognized in the world of contemporary literature.


swastika sexuality fascism Yaroslav Mogutin

Kopaliński W., Słownik mitów i tradycji kultury, Warszawa 1987.

Kopaliński W., Słownik symboli, Warszawa 1991.

Radziszewski G., Historia i symbolika znaku krzyża, mpis, Łódź 1991.

Крест „гамматичсский”, на Западе „crux gammata”, [w:] http://www.lib.eparhia-saratov.ru/books/noauthor/crosses/36.html.

Могутин Я., Свастика, [w:] Я. Могутин, СуперМогутин. Сверхчеловеческие Сиреппексты: Суперкнига о сексе, насилии и смерти, Nowy Jork 2000, s. 210-212; http://www.mitin.com/people/mogutin/ss/swast.shtml.

Могутин Я., Сексуальность фашизма, [w:] „Ом” 1996, nr 4; http://www.mitin.com/people/mogutin/fashism.shtml; http://gay.ru/science/history/nazi01.htm; http://www.apagay.com/analitika/history/2002/2002008.php.

Могутин Я., Моя жизнь, моя борьба (premature autobiography), [w:] http://www.mitin.com/people/ mogutin/ss/auto .shtml.

Riefenstahl L., Pamiętniki, Warszawa 2003ю

Могутин Я., Великий Вор Жан Жене в России и на Западе, [w:] „Риск” 1995, nr 1, s. 72-78; http://ww w .vm t.com /gayrussia/culture8.htm l; http://w w w .vavilon.ru/m etatext/riskl/index.html; http://www.mitin.com/people/genet/mogutin.shtml.



Ojcewicz, G. (2005). SWASTYKA I SEKSUALNOŚĆ FASZYZMU W KONCEPCJI JAROSŁAWA MOGUTINA. Acta Neophilologica, (VII), 31–49. Abgerufen von https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/1433

Grzegorz Ojcewicz 
Instytut Neofilologii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

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