Polish landed gentry in the face of the discussion on the principle of compulsory expropriation of land in the 1st State Duma. The agrarian convention in Warsaw of November 27-30, 1906, and its significance
Roman Jurkowski
University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynAbstract
The article concerns the attitude of the Polish landed gentry to the principle of compulsory expropriation of land, which was accepted in the 1st State Duma by the Polish Circle of the Kingdom of Poland. The Polish conservatives grouped in the Party of Real Politics were decisive opponents of the forced expropriation of private land. In November 1906, they organized a special congress on the agrarian issue in Warsaw in order to receive an assurance from the National-Democratic Party that the party would not support any projects of forced expropriation of lands in the future Duma. At the agrarian congress, the participants discussed ways to restore agriculture in Russia and the Kingdom of Poland, as well as the future cooperation of both parties in the upcoming elections to the Second State Duma (1907).
I State Duma, Polish landed gentry, forced expropriation, convention on agrarian matters, elections to the 2nd DumaReferences
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
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