“Dziennik Poznański” and “Kurier Poznański” in the face of the issue of the Polish eastern border during the preliminary negotiations in Riga (September 21 ‒ October 12, 1920)
Roman Jurkowski
University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynAbstract
The article presents the attitudes of the two most important Poznań newspapers to the problem of shaping the Polish eastern border during the truce negotiations with Bolshevik Russia in Riga at the turn of September and October 1920. Both newspapers, despite representing different political orientations (democratic-national and conservative), supported the so-called “incorporation programme”, the implementation of which left a massive Polish population behind the eastern border. The author of the article tries to answer the question of why the newspapers, always defending the cohesion and the whole of the Polish nation, acted differently in the case of Poles left in Riga on the Bolshevik side of the border.
Polish press, Dziennik Poznański and Kurier Poznański, peace negotiations in Riga 1920, Polish eastern border, Poles left in Russia, Polish eastern border, Poles left in RussiaReferences
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
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