Beyond Salome’s Dance. On the Basis of a Relation between the 2nd Part of the Poem Three Gazes into an Opal by Georg Trakl and the Poem Veil Dance by Günter Grass

Andrzej Pilipowicz

Katedra Filologii Germańskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The death of John the Baptist is the result of Salome’s dance in the Bible. In the 2nd part of the
poem Three Gazes into an Opal by Georg Trakl and in the poem Veil Dance by Günter Grass the
image of Salome is evoked by veils which are identifi cation marks of that fi gure in the drama Salome
by Oscar Wilde. The dance of a woman in both poems is not connected with death any more but
with life – with the return into mother’s womb in the text by Trakl and with the entrance to the art’s
womb in the text by Grass.


Austrian literature, German literature, Georg Trakl, Günter Grass, Salome

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Cited by

Pilipowicz, A. (2014). Beyond Salome’s Dance. On the Basis of a Relation between the 2nd Part of the Poem Three Gazes into an Opal by Georg Trakl and the Poem Veil Dance by Günter Grass. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XVI), 203–213. Retrieved from

Andrzej Pilipowicz 
Katedra Filologii Germańskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie