Mental Spaces in the Poetry of Inna Lisnianskaya and Wisława Szymborska (on the Basis of Books of Poetry: Иерусалимская тетрадь and Tutaj)

Ewa Nikadem-Malinowska

Instytut Słowiańszczyzny Wschodniej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


Metaphorization in poems is a specific phenomenon. Poetry, having different function
from that of everyday language, uses metaphorization through encoding and decoding
a message. Unusual metaphors make communication between an author and a reader more
difficult, but also more attractive. By dint of metaphor an idea concentrates greatly and
a reception of a message, apart from the message itself, provides aesthetical values. Relations
between time and space in a poem, where presented world is minimized, are always
metaphorized. In order to define them, cognitive poetry uses the term of mental spaces. The
author of this work is going to characterize these spaces in poems of two poets – in the Inna
Lisnianskaya’s Иерусалимская тетрадь and Wisława Szymborska’s Tutaj.


mental spaces, poetic metaphor, cognitive poetry, Inna Lisnianskaya, Wisława Szymborska

G. Lakoff, M. Johnson, Metafory w naszym życiu, Warszawa 1988.

И. Жданов, Воздух и ветер. Сочинения и фотографии, Москва 2006, s. 103.

M. Bachtin, Problemy literatury i estetyki, przeł. Wincenty Grajewski, Warszawa 1982.

P. Stockwell, Poetyka kognitywna. Wprowadzenie, Kraków 2006, s. 136.

И. Лиснянская, Из иерусалимской тетради, стихи, Новый Мир 2004, № 10.

И. Лиснянская, Иерусалимская тетрадь, Москва 2005.

W. Szymborska, Tutaj, Kraków 2009.

W. Szymborska, Wołanie do Yeti, Kraków 1957.

W. Szymborska, Dwukropek, Kraków 2005.


Cited by

Nikadem-Malinowska, E. (2010). Mental Spaces in the Poetry of Inna Lisnianskaya and Wisława Szymborska (on the Basis of Books of Poetry: Иерусалимская тетрадь and Tutaj). Acta Neophilologica, 1(XII), 145–152. Retrieved from

Ewa Nikadem-Malinowska 
Instytut Słowiańszczyzny Wschodniej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

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