
Acta Neophilologica

ISSN: 1509-1619
e-ISSN: 2450-0852

We invite submissions of academic articles and reviews to Acta Neophilologica.  Founded in 1999 Acta Neophilologica is the semi-annual journal of the literary and linguistic departments of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland. Acta Neophilologica publishes scholarly articles dealing with the current problems of modern language studies using a variety of methodologies and diachronic or synchronic, confrontative and comparative perspectives. The covered topics include linguistics, cultural linguistics, literary studies, foreign language teaching, theory and practice of translation, word culture, language of the media, and other associated subjects.  Both theoretical contributions, such as critical overview of previous results in a specific research area and/or proposals for innovative approaches to a specific topic, as well as contributions presenting the results of own empirical research are accepted. The languages of publication are: English, German, Polish and Russian (although the subject matter is not restricted to these). The journal ensures a double-blind peer-reviewed publication, and it offers open access to the published texts.

There are no submission or any other processing fees attached to the publication of articles in Acta Neophilologica.

The articles are published under the Creative Commons licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND).

The journal was founded on the initiative of the Slavist Prof. Albert Bartoszewicz, who served as editor-in-chief until 2001. The other managing editors were also Slavists Prof. Walenty M. Piłat (until 2004), Prof. Grzegorz Ojcewicz (until 2013), Prof. Iwona Anna NDiaye (until 2014) and Prof. Joanna Orzechowska (until December 2022). The journal has been published biannually since 2012. The editorial team also included PhD Joanna Nawacka. Since 2023, the journal has been led by a new editorial team (see editorial team), which continues the tradition of Acta Neophilologica. The editor-in-chief is now the Germanist and literary scholar Prof. Aneta Jachimowicz.


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Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

ISSN: 1644-0749
e-ISSN: 2450-0771

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum with funding from Ministry of Education and Science
The application of the editorial board of the journal Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum under the 'Development of Scientific Journals' programme has been favourably reviewed by an expert panel of the Ministry of Education and Science and has been awarded funding for 2022-2023.
The planned activities of the editorial office concern raising the level of publishing and editorial practice and maintaining the journal in international scientific circulation. The funding will enable the upgrading of the journal's website and the linguistic correction of articles.

ASPAL’s position

By the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum is suspending the acceptance for publication of articles by authors affiliated in Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus until the end of armed aggression in Ukraine.

The appalling military aggression of the Russian army on the territory of independent Ukraine is an unacceptable form of political solution. This criminal policy is resulting in people’s death. The scientific community cooperating in the editorial office of the Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum (ASPAL), a journal of international character, which aims to disseminate reliable and innovative solutions in the area of land management needed by mankind, expresses its firm opposition to forceful solutions aimed at the annihilation of any territory and its citizens. We also do not support the actions of the Republic of Belarus involved in assisting the aggressor. Lost trust makes any cooperation impossible.

The editors proudly inform that the journal has been indexed in the SCOPUS database.

 „Acta Scientiarum Polonorum” is an interdisciplinary scientific journal, established by Polish agricultural universities. Series „Administratio Locorum” („Land Administration”) has been incessantly published since 2001. Series „Administratio Locorum” is concerned with the social, economic, geographic, legal, environmental and planning aspects of land administration. 

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Acta Polono-Ruthenica

ISSN: 1427-549X
e-ISSN: 2450-0844

The journal “Acta Polono-Ruthenica” publishes original research articles and reviews. Scope of the journal includes Polish-Eastern Slavonic cultural, literary and linguistic links, with a particular emphasis on Belarussian, Russian and Ukrainian literature. (more)

There are no submission or any other processing fees attached to the publication of articles in "Acta Polono-Ruthenica" .

The articles are published under the Creative Commons licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND).


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Echa Przeszłości

ISSN: 1509-9873

The first volume of the scientific journal Echa Przeszłości (Echoes of the Past), edited by historians from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, was published in 2000, on the initiative of Professor Sławomir Kalembka, the then Director of the Institute of History and an outstanding expert in 19th century history and the history of political thought.  Echa Przeszłości, the flagship journal of historians from the Institute of History at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. 

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Civitas et Lex

ISSN: 2392-0300
e-ISSN: 2449-5522

Civitas et Lex is an international peer-reviewed open access journal. It was established as a quarterly in 2014 and is published by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, under the auspices of the NATO DEEP program and in cooperation with the international research team CEDICLO. In 2021, it was included in the ANVUR (Italia) scientific journals.

The aim of the journal is to publish articles that exchange ideas and experiences, initiate discussions on current social problems, whereby the journal seeks to support young scientists. 

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Forum Teologiczne

ISSN: 1641-1196
e-ISSN: 2450-0836

The journal "Forum Teologiczne" [ISBN 1641-1196; eISSN 2450-0836; DOI: 10.31648/ft] is an academic yearbook published at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland), since 2000. It publishes articles from disciplines: theology, history, canon law and others that enter into dialogue with theology. Articles are reviewed by specialists. Reviews are double blind.

Every issue contains three sections:
ARTICLES (theology and other disciplines related to the main topic of the issue). Articles are published in Polish, English, Italian, Spanish and German.

TEXTS (new translations of sources with short introduction and notes, and also polish historical, theological, philosophical texts concerning the Warmia matters, as well as messages)
REVIEWS AND REPORTS (presentations of monographs; reports from conferences).

The journal is indexed in the following databases:
CEJSH, CEEOL, ERIH Plus, BazHum, IndexCopernicus, DOAJ

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Fontes Slaviae Orthodoxae

ISSN: 2544-6584

Fontes Slaviae Orthodoxae is published yearly from 2017 instead of a series of scientific monographs under the same title. The topic of publications concerns a wide range of problems connected with the history and culture of Orthodoxy in the Slavic countries: contacts of Orthodoxy with other denominations and religions; history and modern state of the Church Slavonic language, poetics and stylistics of hymnographic works and religious texts, features of religious discourse. (more)


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Forum Nauk Społecznych

ISSN: 2956-6029

„Forum Nauk Społecznych" jest czasopismem naukowym, które powstało na Wydziale Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie w 2022 roku. Jego celem jest publikowanie oryginalnych artykułów, w których poruszane są najważniejsze kwestie nurtujące badaczy w naukach społecznych, zarówno w wymiarze teoretycznym jak i empirycznym. Teksty naukowe dotyczą istotnych problemów badawczych z zakresu następujących dyscyplin: pedagogika, nauki o polityce i administracji, nauki socjologiczne, psychologia oraz nauki o bezpieczeństwie. (więcej)

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Kortowski Przegląd Prawniczy

ISSN: 2719-7506
e-ISSN: 2300-4673

Kortowski Przegląd Prawniczy jest czasopismem naukowym powstałym w 2012 roku w strukturze Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, skierowanym przede wszystkim do studentów i doktorantów. Ideą przyświecającą Redakcji podczas jego tworzenia było umożliwienie młodym naukowcom prezentowania wyników własnych prac badawczych czy teoretycznych rozważań w zakresie nauk prawnych. Kwartalnik stanowi recenzowane, interdyscyplinarne czasopismo naukowe o profilu prawnym wydawane przez Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, a od 2020 r. włączony został w strukturę Wydawnictwa UWM.

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Humanities and Natural Sciences

ISSN: 1234-4087
e-ISSN: 2956-3836

"Humanities and Natural Sciences" has been in print since 1994. It has been published in an electronic version since 2006, available on a CC licence (CC BY-NC). The editorial board accepts articles, reviews of works and journals as well as other materials for publication (reports on scientific conferences, symposia, conferences and other information about scientific life at home and abroad).Only original and previously unpublished texts are accepted. (więcej)

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ISSN: 2080-4547

Meritum to czasopismo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Opiekunem czasopisma „Meritum” jest: prof. dr hab. Norbert Kasparek. Na łamach czasopisma publikują zarówno przedstawiciele olsztyńskiego środowiska młodych naukowców, jak również doktoranci, doktorzy oraz profesorowie z innych ośrodków akademickich i naukowych. Jedynym i najważniejszym kryterium przyjęcia tekstu jest wysoki poziom merytoryczny artykułu. Na łamach „Meritum” planujemy zamieszczać materiały pogrupowane w następujące działy: 1. Artykuły, 2. Źródła, 3. Recenzje, 4. Sprawozdania.

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Media - Culture - Social Communication

ISSN: 1734-3801
e-ISSN: 2450-081X

Media – Culture – Social Communication is an interdisciplinary, international scientific journal published since 2005. We invite scholars of various specializations, such as media studies, social communication, scholarly communication, education, psychology, sociology, political science, cultural studies, library and information science to publish in our journal. The journal is open to submissions of original papers as well as reviews and reports on media, culture and communication relations in a very broad sense.

The publication is free of charge.

In 2022, the journal received funding under the ministerial program "Development of scientific journals" (RCN/SP/0214/2021/1).

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Polish–Georgian Law Review

ISSN: 2451-0211

To meet the expectations of Polish and Georgian academic community, we are pleased to invite to publish articles in new academic journal entitled “Polish–Georgian Law Review” (published by University of Warmia and Mazury Press in Olsztyn), established by the initiative of the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Dean of the Faculty of Law at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and Dean of Tbilisi Open University.

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Olsztyn Economic Journal

ISSN: 1897-2721
e-ISSN: 2083-4675

"Olsztyn Economic Journal" is a scientific journal, published in English by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. It publishes scientific papers of methodical, review and empirical nature in the field of social sciences (discipline economics and finance, as well as management and quality studies). The first issue of the journal was published in 2006. From 2007 to 2012 the journal was published semi-annually and from 2013 to 2020 was published quarterly. From 2021 the journal is again published semi-annually. The electronic edition is the primary version of the Journal. (more)

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Polish Journal of Natural Sciences

ISSN: 1643-9953

Polish Journal of Natural Sciences is a peer reviewed research journal published in English by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland).
Polish Journal of Natural Sciences publishes papers dealing with biology, animal sciences, fisheries, environmental protection, humans and environment, food technology and veterinary sciences.
There are three types of papers: a) research papers (full length articles); b) research notes (short communications); c) review papers. (more)

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Polski Rocznik Praw Człowieka i Prawa Humanitarnego

ISSN: 2082-1786

W czasopiśmie publikowane są recenzowane artykuły naukowe poświęcone prawu międzynarodowemu praw człowieka oraz międzynarodowemu prawu humanitarnemu. Redakcja przyjmuje także recenzje i omówienia, jednak nie podlegają one procesowi recenzji. (więcej)

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Prace Literaturoznawcze

ISSN: 2353-5164
e-ISSN: 2450-0798

The journal Prace Literaturoznawcze [40 pkt] is published once a year. Prace Literaturoznawcze  was established in 2013 at the initiative of the employees of the Institute of Polish Studies and Speech Therapy at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. This journal continues the publishing tradition of the Institute of Polish Studies at the second half of the last century. In the 1970s literary scholars had an opportunity to publish their papers in Prace Naukowo-Badawcze Zakładu Filologii Polskiej WSP w Olsztynie [Research Papers of the Department of Polish Studies of the College of Education in Olsztyn]. In the 1990s Professor Andrzej Staniszewski established another periodical Zeszyty Naukowe WSP. Prace Filologiczne [Research Bulletins of the College of Education. Philological Papers]. This journal published articles authored by literary scholars and linguists from that Department. In 1997 linguists set up their own journal Prace Językoznawcze [Papers in Linguistics] to create a platform for publishing their scholarly achievements as well as those from other academic centres. Prace Literaturoznawcze is a new periodical – the first issue appeared in 2013 and in 2015 it was included in the list of journals recommended by the Ministry of Higher Education and received 5 points. In 2019, he scored 40 points on the ministerial list and qualified for the "Scientific support for journals" program.

The theme for 2025 is autobiographism. Submissions are invited to explore the concept of autobiographism across various contexts and time periods. Autobiographical writing has been an important genre throughout all literary periods and is currently undergoing significant development due to various influential phenomena. It takes the form of memoirs, diaries, journals, letters, conversations, interview essays, as well as autobiographies proper, and serves multiple functions. Autobiographical writing can serve as a means of releasing emotions and describing personal experiences of intimate life and external events, functioning as a form of self-therapy. It can also chronicle changes in politics, religion, culture, art, and customs. In modern times, autobiographical writing has taken on a pragmatic dimension. Biographies are often viewed as commodities that can generate income and increase one's fame, potentially affecting their position in the media market. Collaborative biographies and heterobiographies have emerged as a result. Another notable feature of recent decades is the popularity of works of fiction in which authors express their own views by creating characters who represent them.

Articles analyzing autobiographical texts should be submitted via the UWM Journals Platform by October 31, 2024.


The "Prace Literaturoznaczne" magazine does not charge any fees for publishing articles and offers free access to text services.

Works published under the number of available Creative Commons licenses: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Time (CC BY-NC-ND).

Licencja BY-NC-ND

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Prace Językoznawcze

ISSN: 1509-5304
e-ISSN: 2450-0801

We invite you to submit new texts for the next (2025, 2026) issues of Linguistic Works. Recruitment is continuous (with a break in June, July and August).

Papers in Linguistics is a quarterly published by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The journal accepts papers written in Polish, English, German, Ukrainian and Russian and concerning these language in general, diachronic, synchronic, comparative, cognitive and cultural linguistics, glottodidactics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, ethnolinguistics, stylistics, language culture, onomastics, semantics, media linguistics and other areas of linguistics, as well as other disciplines, as long as linguistics makes up the dominant perspective of a paper.

The primary (references) version of the journal is the online version.

The electronic version of the journal is open-access under the CC BY 4.0. Details about the license are available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 

The editorial staff make every effort to maintain the highest possible ethical standards, in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which are available on the www.publicationethics.org website

All stages of the editing process, including the submission and publication of paper, are free of charge. Access to the published issues (full issues and individual papers) is also free of charge.

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front cover

The Review of Psychology

ISSN: 0048-5675

The Review of Psychology is an organ of the Polish Psychological Association. Since 2017 it has been published in two language versions - Polish and English. Therefore, it is possible to submit texts also in English.

From 1999 to 2020 the co-publishers of the Review of Psychology were the Polish Psychological Association and the Scientific Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Since 2021 the co-publishers of the journal are the Polish Psychological Association and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

The journal publishes papers from all sub-disciplines of psychology. The journal accepts scientific texts, but is also open to articles by practicing psychologists willing to share their experience, provided that their work is evidence-based.

ISSN: 0048-5675

The journal has been assigned 40 points

Processing of submitted works:

Average time from text submission to first decision: 14 days

Average review time: 30 days

Average time from text acceptance to publication: 120 days

Rejection rate in 2023: 41%


The journal's editors inform that they do not charge for article submission, editorial work on the text and publication in the journal. Readers can access published articles free of charge.

Papers published in the journal are available under Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND).

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miniatura okładki

Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski

ISSN: 2081-1128

Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski

Scientific journal of East European Research Centre
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

ISSN: 2081-1128

Scientific journal „Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski” (“East European Review”) is published by East European Research Centre at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The first volume was going to be published in January 2010. The broad range of issues discussed in articles, reviews and other scholarly publications is of interdisciplinary nature and refers to history, culture, philosophical thought, literature and languages of East European countries, Polish and East European connections as well as social, cultural and economic relations etc. Particular importance is going to be assigned to social and cultural heritage of the Polish Republic.

The journal is represented in the electronic databases: SCOPUS, CEJSH (The Central European Journals of Social Sciences and Humanities), CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), EBSCO, Pol-Index, Index Copernicus, ERIH Plus, MOST-WIEDZY, ICM UW. In addition, the full-text articles are available on the websites of the journal:




Texts in the Slavic languages as well as in English and German are accepted during the calendar year. Any text should be supplied with: 1) English version of the title; 2) summary (700-1000 signs) in English; 3) 5‑7 keywords in English; 4) a short note about the author, including: name, academic degree, place of work and position, address of workplace, titles of major publications (books, articles) with the publication dates and numbers of pages (up to 10 titles); 5) a statement that the text has not been published in the version that is submitted to the journal. The article submission procedure is described in a separate tab on the journal's website.

All submitted articles are reviewed. The rules of double-blind peer review are described on the journal’s website.



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Studia Warmińskie

ISSN: 0137-6624

Yearbook of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Those interested in the rules in force in our journal are invited to read the detailed information provided in the "ABOUT THE JOURNAL" tab.

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Studia Prawnoustrojowe

ISSN: 1644-0412
e-ISSN: 2720-7056

Studia Prawnoustrojowe is a peer, double-blind reviewed, interdisciplinary, juridically-focused, scientific journal, issued quarterly by the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland.

Journal entitled Studia Prawnoustrojowe has been published since 2001 as a periodical, since 2012, the journal has been transformed into a quarterly one.

Since 2020, the reference version of the journal is the electronic version (Editorial Statement).

Scientific scope

Scientific subjects and goals of the journal include legal studies sensu largo: civil, penal, administrative substantive and procedural law, company, commercial, family, labour, environmental, constitutional, European, and international law, as well as historical issues, sociology, philosophy, and theory of law. The journal with such a broad formula takes into account all the crucial issues and dilemmas of legal and juridical sciences.

The scope of the journal allows for a broad scientific discourse on both national and international forums. It creates the possibility of a broad platform for the exchange of ideas, views, and concepts in an interdisciplinary dimension.

The journal also has thematic editors responsible for the proper selection of submitted texts, including the main topic of the given issue. Thematic editors are appointed ad hoc to a specific issue from among the researchers of the Faculty of Law and Administration of UWM in Olsztyn, who demonstrate the best level of knowledge in a given field and scientific diligence. In addition, a language editor and a statistical editor have been appointed.

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Technical Sciences

ISSN: 1505-4675
e-ISSN: 2083-4527

Technical Sciences is a peer reviewed research journal published in English by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Journal has been published continually since 1998. Since 2021, the journal Technical Sciences has been published as a yearbook. In the previous period, from 1998 to 2010, it was also published as an annual. In 2011 and 2012 the journal was published as a biannual and from 2013 to 2020 as a quarterly. (more)

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