V venke iz voska by Boris Poplavsky. Statistic Analysis and Interpretation

Grzegorz Ojcewicz

Instytut Słowiańszczyzny Wschodniej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The presented interpretation of the poetry collection V venke iz voska (In the Wax Wreath) by Boris Poplavsky, based on a known George Kingsley Zipf’s law, is an example approach to a literary text from the point of view of words statistics, which reflects Poplavsky’s semantic and stylistic preferences. Thanks to the applied method, the following thesis concerning the poet’s idiolect were formulated: 1) Boris Poplavsky’s poetic world is of a definitely substantive structure; 2) the most important role in the specification of the presented world is played by senses
- visual impressions and colours; 3) the lyrical subject acts mainly as a reporter of current events; 4) the used adverbs reveal the poet’s inclination to “stretching” time and space; 5) high frequency of the “I” pronoun testifies significant egocentrism of Poplavsky’s. *


Boris Poplavsky, Russian emigree literature, Parisian note, Russian surrealism, Russian modernism

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L. Livak, Boris Popla- vskii’s Art of Life and Death, Comparative Literature Studies 2001, vol. 38, nr 2, s. 118-141.

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Cited by

Ojcewicz, G. (2009). V venke iz voska by Boris Poplavsky. Statistic Analysis and Interpretation. Acta Neophilologica, (XI), 69–96. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/1278

Grzegorz Ojcewicz 
Instytut Słowiańszczyzny Wschodniej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

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