Order of demonstrative modifiers in contemporary Polish and Ukrainian
Aleksander Kiklewicz
University of Warmia and MazuryAnatoliy Zahnitko
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National UniversityAbstract
Although demonstrative adjectives fall within the adjectival paradigm and, within the framework of this paradigm, implement most grammatical oppositions, in terms of linearization they differ significantly from qualitative and relative adjectives: the postposition of the demonstrative modifier has a completely different character than in the case of adjectives. The authors intend to achieve several goals. The first goal is to compare nominative constructions with the pronominal (demonstrative) modifier in Slavic languages belonging to different groups, i.e. Polish and Ukrainian. The second objective is to examine the factors determining the post-positional use of demonstrative attributes, both direct evident (functionally marked) and statistical. In this respect, the authors mention the following factors: 1) the linear position of the nominal group in relation to the predicate; 2) the position of the nominal group in the communicative (thematic-rhematic) structure; 3) the stress structure of the utterance; 4) case of the noun; 5) degree of development of the nominal group; 6) the status of the noun as a primary or derived (from an adjective) name. The empirical material of the study was collected on the basis of language corpora and source texts of various styles.
word order, nominal group, demonstrative adjective, attribute, comparative linguistics, Polish language, Ukrainian languageReferences
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University of Warmia and Mazury
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
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