Aleksander Kiklewicz
University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynAbstrakt
The article deals with the metaphorical nomination of war characteristics, i.e. linguistic (grammatical and semantic) aspects of metaphorical expressions containing the noun ‘war’ in journalistic texts on the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022-2023. Based on a corpus consisting of constructions extracted from articles published in the weekly magazine “Polityka”, the author describes these expressions in terms of the grammatical properties of the collocate, the case form of the noun ‘war’, as well as aspects of metaphorical nomination. The research analysis, leads, inter alia, to the conclusion that the linguistic nomination of war is so diverse that it is impossible to claim, in the spirit of linguistic determinism, that the existing schemes of the linguistic (lexical and phrasal) nomination of war influence the awareness of language users and the culturally shaped mental conceptualization of war.
Słowa kluczowe:
metaphor, mental conceptualization, conceptual metaphor, framing, journalistic text, war, UkraineBibliografia
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
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